
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graduation Speech Post

Dear teachers and fellow students, 
Image result for graduation 2016
        I had been in District 67 since 2nd grade. I was new to my school in 2nd grade. I had so much fun all 4 years that I have been at Golf. I would like to thank my 5th-8th grade teachers for helping me every step of the way. We've been through a lot, but we still manage to get through it with your help. Thank you to the administration from the principal to the bus driver for all your help. For bringing us home safely everyday. My fellow classmates, thank you for the wonderful years we've been together, helping each other through tough times. I would cherish all the memories that we had from 5th-8th grade.Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for always being there for me, guiding me all the way. I offer to you my success. And now it's close to my graduation. My future high school is coming and I am really going to miss Golf. 
Thank You!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Narative Blog

Hi everybody. I am going to tell you the test at school. Test at school are really hard. There can be a lot of essay and really hard questions. Some questions doesn't even make sense. I sometimes skip some questions. If you don't know a question, it is good to skip a question, so you won't be stuck on a question for too long and you won't waste your time staying on the same question. A quiz is kind of easy, it has less question. A test has more questions and its harder. Student can also fail on tests. This why we need to study before a test, so you won't fail. If you study hard, you will have a good experience in high school. Tests in high school are hard because the teachers put more thought into the questions. The teachers make it harder for the students (in high school) to answer. Any kind of test in school can be hard or easy. 

 Advice for you: Study really hard before a test. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Beginnings and Endings Post

What I felt before a game/recital/event.

I feel really nervous before a game/recital/event because I feel like I am going to mess up. There is a lot of people watching these events. 

Ex: I was getting ready for a dance recital. I felt really nervous because I thought I was going to mess up and there was a lot of people watching. During the show, as I watch other dancers perform, they didn't look nervous and they didn't mess up. But when its almost my group's turn to perform, I started to get nervous again. I just realized something, I am not dancing solo, I am dancing with my dance class. I wasn't nervous anymore. When it was our turn, I was so confident. I was happy that I was dancing with other people. 

I know some recitals/games can be scary, but when your in the middle of a game or a performance, it will be less scary. 

Ex: When I was cheering in a basketball game, I got really nervous about the halftime routine. Since I was one of the bases (to hold the flyer), I thought I would drop the flyer (we weren't on mats). But luckily she didn't fall. After the halftime routine I felt so much better. And the next game we do the halftime routine I won't feel nervous. ( We nailed the halftime routine!!!) 

If you think you are going to mess up on any event. Your wrong. You are never going to mess up. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Favorite Field Trip Post

Camp McLean 

            Camp McLean was a really fun camp!! There is archery, fishing, a rock climbing wall and a zip line. The food there was really good!!! When I went to this camp with my grade last year, I was so excited!! When we got there, I already liked it. My cabin was so nice. All the beds were bunk beds. The people inside my cabin all took the top bunk. There is a lot of team building stuff to do. Although that camp is really cold, it is also really fun. After we ate dinner, My grade and I played capture the flag (but we played it in the dark). We couldn't bring our flashlights. We had to put paint on our face so it can be fun and creative. After that we went to the camp fire. We sang songs and we ate s'mores. We had so much fun!!!! My cabin and I stayed up late and we woke up so early. It was our last day at Camp McLean. After we ate lunch we went to the field and play games while waiting for the buses to come. After we played games, half of my grade started to roll down the hill!! It was so fun and funny. My grade and I are coming back to Camp McLean this year. Since it's our last year at my school, our teachers wants us to have a good time this school year before we graduate.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Diary Post

    March 8, 2016

     Dear Diary, 
              It was a beautiful day. I woke up thinking that today will be a good day. I didn't know what to wear, so I just picked any random clothes. I was so worried about a social studies test we were taking today. After I ate breakfast, I ran straight toward my room. So I will have time to study. I was panicking so much I didn't know what I was saying. As I walk into the school, my mind was still on the test. I was so scared I didn't even know where I was and what was I doing.

               Luckily, PE class got my mind off the test for that period only. Yesterday, during PE my class and I had to run, jog, or walk for 15 minutes. That took my mind off the test because I was so tired of running, I couldn't think. In my Math and Spanish classes, there were ok. Well, in math class I was kind of worried, As it keeps getting closer and closer to Social Studies class, I started to get much more worried.

                During lunch I brought my study guide with me. I barely at because I need to study. I was afraid I was going to fail the test. It's now Social Studies Class, I am panicking. There was 2 extra credit questions. I remember my teacher telling my class the answers to those 2 questions. He said we need to know the answers to the 2 extra credit questions. I answered those questions really fast. Some questions on that test were kind off hard. But I answered it. After my class took that test, I felt much better, that the test is over. And I didn't have to worry about the test anymore.                                   

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Quotation Blog

"Life is not like an MP3 where you can play what you want but life is like a radio where you have to enjoy whats being played." 

        You can't always choose the song. You have to deal to what song is playing. Even though you don't like a song, the song stills sounds really fun to dance to!! Whatever song your friends or classmates choose, even though you don't like, just listen to it. The songs you hear, you might start to like it. Listening to the same songs over again might not start your day.  A new song will help start your day!! And if you start listening to a new song, you can't take it out of your head and you can't stop singing to it.  But with old songs, its not fun to dance to because your heard the song (like a billion times) and it boring to listen to old songs. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Free Topic


Cheerleading was so much fun!!! We do stunts,sideline cheers, halftime routine, quarters, jumps, and timeouts. I really enjoy cheerleading!!!! I am sad that the season is almost over. It is really fun to cheer at the basketball games!! The cheerleading uniforms are so cute!! We do our motions nice and tight!!! I love doing cheerleading with my friends. Its ok if we don't have a lot of cheerleaders or that we don't have all the same shoes or the best pom-poms. The best part is that we enjoyed cheerleading together. Being with other cheerleaders and our mascot is like a family to me!! 
          Thanks so much to our coach Ms. Wisser!!